Wednesday, March 02, 2005

ICAL Module 2.

Got a 17/20 on Module 2. I need a reference book!

Olivia's Wit

Last night I rammed my shin into the door of the dishwasher that was laying open. It was all I could restrain myself from screaming and yelling. I just jumped around saying, "OH... OH... OH!" Olivia came to comfort me with her words of wisdom when she said, "Don't do that again, Daddy!" I wonder where she learned that?

First Kiss

Erica gave her first kiss today to Mingxia. She made the kissing sound. She has kissed before, but it's just a lip touch. She's been running a fever of 100 ~ 101. She seems a little better today than yesterday.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Day #1

This is day #1 of attempting to use the blog. No news yet, just a test.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Dad and Erica

Surprised baby!

Digging for babies... they found one!